Taking Quiet Time
Engaged Listening
Focused Conversations
Thoughtful Use of Social Media
Each strength, by itself, is a powerful lever
of influence; when put together, the power of the strengths multiplies.
Introverts typically combine the strengths into The Quiet Influence
Process shown in Figure 2.1.
More or less sequential, it starts with Taking Quiet Time. Quiet
Influencers begin their influencing journey where they think and
recharge best: in quiet. Being silent provides energy, increases
self-awareness, and spurs creativity. Introverts return to quiet time
frequently in order to recharge and reflect.
Next comes Preparation. Careful preparation
gets Quiet Influencers ready for all types of situations by increasing
their knowledge and poising them to address potential objections.
Through creating a strategy and asking questions, they become more
comfortable and confident in their efforts to influence others.
The synergistic strengths of Taking Quiet Time and Preparation combine to form a strong core for the other strengths. With
the confidence that comes from tapping into these fundamental
strengths, Quiet Influencers move forward out of their own heads and
into interactions with others.
They then bring one or more of the next four
strengths to bear on the situation. They may tap into their innate
strength in Engaged Listening to build rapport and mutual understanding.
Or they may decide to engage in two-way, one-on-one, or small-group
interactions. These Focused Conversations are purpose-driven dialogues
in which they problem solve and work through conflicts with others.
Another path they take uses their natural strength of Writing. Through
this specialty, they articulate authentic, well-developed positions to
make a difference with others. Finally, Quiet Influencers consider how
social media platforms can advance their cause. They draw upon their
strength of Thoughtful Use of Social Media to reach a previously
untapped, broad, or distant audience.
Because they tend to have patience and
perseverance, Quiet Influencers don't need to follow the most direct
route to an outcome. Although the strengths fit together in the order
described, Quiet Influencers often loop back and forth, returning to
Taking Quiet Time and Preparation to rebuild energy or confidence, going
back to listen for more information to adapt a plan or feed their
ideas, or alternating between the verbal interaction offered by Focused
Conversations and Writing.
Keep in mind that to succeed as a Quiet
Influencer, you don't have to be good in all Six Strengths. Every Quiet
Influencer mixes these strengths in different ways according to his or
her own personality, needs, and situation. In other words, the Quiet
Influence Process is not a formula that requires equal measures of each
strength in each case.
Later on we include a quiz that will help you assess your Quiet Influence Quotient
(QIQ), a measurement of how effective you are at using each of the Six
Strengths. In the subsequent chapters, you will then explore each of
those strengths. You'll read stories, gain practical tips, and even learn when too much of a strength can become a liability.
If you enhance your own quiet strengths, you
will make a difference by challenging the status quo, provoking new ways
of thinking, effecting change and inspiring others to move forward in
ways that magnify who you are and bring forth your passion. Passion does
not have to be expressed with fiery words and expressive body language.
It can also be a fire burning within. For Quiet Influencers, that
internal blaze sparks the courage, creativity, tenacity, and drive that
underpin influence. As you read the stories and quotes in this book,
keep an eye out for various forms of passion that ignite the Quiet
Influencers' desire to make a difference.
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