- Do you work in a company? How about in a nonprofit that competes for funding?
- Do you work in a government agency with contractors?
- Are you an entrepreneur or freelancer who sells products or services?
- Are you in technology, engineering, or science?
- Do you work in sales, marketing, project management, teaching, medicine, the law, human resources, or administration?
The truth is that everyone in a professional
role needs to influence others. From Seoul to Seattle, today's
competitive workplace demands that you influence a variety of situations
and people, not once in a while but multiple times a day. Although
influence is sometimes about really big issues and opportunities, it is
also about nudging change along one small step at a time.
Noted researchers such as Jay Conger ("The
Necessary Art of Persuasion") have found that selling ideas and getting
people on board is a process, not an event.[1] Influence is not about forcing people to come to see things your way but about learning from others
and negotiating a shared solution. This approach is well suited to the
introvert temperament. It involves patience, planning, and perseverance.
If we all think that the only way to get things done is to shout louder
and louder and take up more center-stage space, we'll miss the
opportunities to listen, learn, and respond thoughtfully.
It may be that our society is starting to get
this message. Extroverts are slowly (very slowly, some argue) realizing
that we stand to lose the wisdom and contributions of more than half of
the population if we don't listen to the introverts in our world. Since
the 2009 publication of my last book, The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength (the first book about introverted leaders), a firestorm of other books (including Susan Cain's 2012 New York Times bestseller Quiet),
articles and social media have crusaded for the cause of introverts. I
have been gratified to hear the buzz of such conversations everywhere.
Moreover, even though they will never really
experience how an introvert truly feels, extroverts are starting to get
the differences on a personal level. They push their pens in my hand to
sign a copies of The Introverted Leader for
their sons, spouses, and siblings, who they never quite understood. Hope
for a broader change springs from such a personal connection.
Perhaps the strongest driver for Quiet
Influence, however, is how it can contribute to success in today's
shifting workplace. These four trends indicate that the time for Quiet
Influence is now:
1. Flattened organizations and complex vendor,
supplier, and customer interactions mean that you must, no matter what
your position or personality type, be effective at getting your ideas
heard. Gone are the days when you can rely on a boss or your boss's boss
to make your case for you. You have to establish critical relationships
and communicate key messages yourself.
2. Going global means that you need to find multiple ways to influence an increasingly diverse set of colleagues and customers. For
example, your more reflective, low-key influencing approach will be
much more effective with your colleagues in Asia than a traditional
extroverted one. You can use your Quiet Influence skills to make a
difference with those in cultures that value a quieter approach.
3. The virtual world is evolving and ever present.
In today's society, it's highly unlikely that you can influence a broad
group of people without using digital media in purposeful ways.
Introverts, as particularly thoughtful users of social media, may well
be ahead of the game. They have been drawn to social media because it
lets them use their strengths and better manage their communication. You
and other Quiet Influencers who have already invested in learning and
using social media are poised to effect tomorrow's change more quickly
than influencers who have ignored these technologies.
4. Heightened competition for business and jobs
means that companies are seeking suppliers and employees who bring
fresh, innovative approaches. The truth is, extrovert-centric
self-promotion and loud persuasion are passé. Today, you will stand out
from the crowd if you have a knack for building up others and are
committed to listening instead of talking.
Because Quiet Influence is already what you do
naturally, these trends offer you the impetus to enhance those skills.
Your time has come. This book is written to help you and millions of
other introverts recognize, develop, and highlight your innate
influencing strengths. Together, you make up about 50 percent of the
world's population, and you can make a big difference in organizations
and communities around the world. I encourage you to applaud the success
of your strengths and practice making a difference without making a lot
of noise.
I believe that as these trends intensify, the tide will turn and extroverts will want to learn Quiet Influencing strengths from
the introverts they know. Many extroverts recognize that they are more
effective, flexible, adaptable influencers when their influencing
toolbox includes a wider variety of approaches.
I'll admit it: I am one such extrovert. I
needed to practice how to make a difference without making a lot of
noise. For much of my professional life, I went along with the
ill-founded belief that the Type A approach, with its emphasis on
talking and finding center stage, delivered results. I am a speaker,
executive coach, and author whose job it is to influence people to try
new approaches in their lives. Of course, I thought, that means being
"out there" and being "on." I moved very fast, did a lot of winging it,
and often found a way to attract attention. As I progressed in my
career, I embodied the stereotype of the loud, assertive New Yorker I
Yet I grew up quietly watching people. My dad,
Alvin Boretz, was a TV and film screenwriter, and many of our dinner
conversations were about people, their motivations and behavior. Because
Dad's work depended on picking up the nuances of dialogue, the meanings
of conversations were of endless interest to our family. It was not
unusual to see my extroverted family of four sitting quietly in Cairo's,
our local Italian restaurant, listening to simultaneous conversations
around us. On the way home, we would share dialogues we overheard and
wonder aloud about the lives and relationships of our fellow diners. The
introverts offered few verbal clues, so we had a field day guessing
what could have been going on in their lives. Those quieter, low-key
families, so different from ours, were especially intriguing to me. What
was going on with them?
I embarked on my career and continued to be an
observer of introverts. I was still people watching, and the people who
continued to intrigue me were the introverts—those people who sometimes
struggled in leadership positions even though they had all the power
they nedded deep inside. I wrote The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength to give these talented people a guide for being in charge while being themselves.
During the research for that book and in
countless interactions since its publication, I have found myself
increasingly drawn to the stories and experiences of introverts. The
more I speak with, listen to, coach, and write about introverts, the
more I appreciate their sensibility. I have realized that the quiet
language of the introvert is refreshingly different from my natural
outgoing persona, and I recognize that I can incorporate introverted
traits and behaviors in order to have a greater impact. For instance,
instead of rushing on to that conference call at the last minute, I can
spend some quiet time sitting on my deck watching the trees and
reflecting on my purpose for the day. Or in lieu of randomly posting
something on Facebook, I can think of the other tasks that await me. Or
in working through a sticky relationship, I can write out my thoughts to
gain clarity on where I stand.
All in all, I recognize that a powerful shift
occurs in me when I flow into the less prominent side of my personality.
When I choose to embrace my internal energy, I gain deeper insights,
delve into my creativity, and become more centered. Jungian
psychologists would say that I am releasing a potent force by tapping
into the less dominant side of my temperament. I simply see that I have
been influenced by the introverts I set out to influence.
Inspired by the Quiet Influencers I have met and the effect they had on me, I turned my attention to the question of how
these successful introverts make a difference. How exactly do they
challenge the status quo, provoke new ways of thinking, or inspire
others to move forward? What inner strengths do they call upon to effect
change? What steps do they take to influence others?
In my professional life, I have interacted
with thousands of people who deepened my knowledge of the introvert
experience and gave me ideas about how to answer these questions. Class
discussions, questions after speeches, and problems that surfaced in
coaching sessions have all contributed to my understanding and
perspective. In my role as an author and journalist, I met a wide range
of introverts and have written and been interviewed for a number of
articles on the topic of introverts in the workplace for publications
such as Forbes, Bloomberg Business Week, and the Wall Street Journal.
Through hallway conversations, follow-up emails, and blog comments, I
have gained an even deeper understanding about how introverts experience
their world and the ways in which they use their natural strengths to
get through to people in powerful ways.
I have also been fortunate to be plugged into a
vibrant community of Quiet Influencers. I specifically asked these
professionals from a wide range of fields and organizations about their
approach to influence. They often provided written responses, and I
followed up with phone interviews to enhance my understanding. In their
characteristically humble way, they shared about the myriad ways in
which they make a difference with other people and organizations. As
privacy-valuing introverts, several of these Quiet Influencers asked
that their names not be used. In those cases, I have replaced their name
with a first-name-only pseudonym. Many others agreed that I could use
their names, and I have included those in the text.
I have done my best to capture the stories that motivated me as I sought to answer my driving question: how do they make an impact by building on their natural, quiet strengths?
I then distilled their answers into the six strengths you will read
about in the chapters ahead. In these strengths, I hope you find your
own unique expression of Quiet Influence.
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